Other Title: บอกกรงๆ...ว่ารักเธอ
The tale of Junior, a young penguin who defies the odds by transforming into a human to break out of the zoo and reach his ultimate goal, the North Pole, only to find himself trapped once again in a mysterious boarding school. Chaos and tension arise when Sun, a quiet and reserved black panther who also takes human form, is drawn into Junior’s desperate plea for escape. As they plot their way out, Sun’s primal instincts as a predator clash with a deeper, unexpected hunger that awakens every time he’s near Junior. Will Sun fight against his nature, or will his desires consume them both?
Released: 2024
Networks: WeTV
Genres: Drama
Cast: Arm Sappanyoo Panatkool, Ben Benjamin Greenwell, Jay Sorathon Chaloemlapsombut, Jeng Chotipat Suthadsanasoung, Jirapat Uttamanan, Jiraphat Sodjam, Laphattalada Tovanabutra, Nokia Chinnawat Phattharathanachot, Porsch Apiwat Apiwatsayree, Rasika Saisang